Where have I been? Lambchop's craziness has not killed me! Or the sheep for that matter. It's just been a hectic maze of fun, work and activities.
Bear arrived safely. Bear spent the whole way home from the Humane Society leaning over my husband's head as he drove with both his paws on my husband's shoulders. I was alternating between laughing my head off and hanging this same head out the window due to Bear's smell. He was a little stinky. Probably nerves! Once at the farm, he jumped out, sniffed the other dogs and spent the rest of the week following one of us around at all times. Bear is a lover and not prone to the antics that Lambchop has been. A great addition to our family!
I have a new chicken coop (#4!). For some unknown and crazy reason, I decided to paint all the coops to look like Rainbow Row in Charleston, SC. I probably picked the hardest one to start with and picked a light blue paint with black trim. Rain held me up for a few days last week but even so, I think I have spent 3 days painting the trim black, going back and fixing my mistakes with the blue, screwing that up and having to go back with black, and on and on. But today I painted the front porch and I don't care if there are boo boos. It's done and (as I keep telling myself) it's a chicken coop. Shouldn't it look a little messy? I have three more to go. Deep breath....
We have had my daughter's Kindergarten class out for a field trip (pics to come!) and her 6th birthday party (no pics to come as I forgot to take any.... bad mommy!). Both events were a huge success. My chickens, donkeys, and goats received much love and treats and all the kids had a great and informative time. Can't wait to do it again!
We had our first frost. And we Fell Back. Love this time of year! Unfortunately we had our first frost the night before the birthday party which resulted in my beautiful flowering vines and roses to go from gorgeous to brown overnight. Oh, well. Mother Nature waits for no one. Not even me.
I currently have 35 chicks living happily on my dining room table. We have 30 Easter Egger girls and 5 French Copper Marans that hatched in the incubator over the weekend. If you peek in my laundry room tonight, you will see two completely packed incubators rocking beautifully along. Hoping, hoping, hoping for a lavendar silkie to hatch in a few weeks!
Life on the farm rolls along as it should. We have several little goats that look like they are about to give birth any day. The chickens are all growing and laying and crowing and singing. The sheep continue to ignore us. Geese fly by in straight V formation on their way to somewhere warmer. And I lift my face to the sun and thank the Lord for giving me the chance to live this life every day. I guess I've been too busy being thankful to post. Not a bad thing in my book!