Friday, October 8, 2010

Our foster donkeys

We are fostering (and hoping to adopt) 35 big-horn sheep. These beautiful creatures were abandoned on a farm nearby and needed a home. Huckleberry Farm to the rescue! I just love watching them cruising around the pasture.

We are foster parents to these lovelies while all the legal stuff is worked out. We hope they will be free to be adopted soon and the plan is for us to keep about eight. We wanted to keep all of them but apparently there's a waiting list. Don't want to be a Sheep Hog!!

Unfortunately, coyotes are running wild through our area. We used to hear them far off in the distance every now and then. Now it's a nightly sound, earlier and closer. Enter.... Snowflake and 38! These guys watch over the herd and everything else. My donkeys live in the pasture across the driveway and spend a lot of time staring at these new arrivals. I can just hear Cookie saying, "What are YOU doing here? This is our farm!".  The two sets of donkeys spend quite a bit of time talking (baiting?) each other. Bray, bray to the left. Hee Haw to the right. Good gracious! They're worse than the roosters!

This cutie is Snowflake.

And this cutie is 38. I was told not to ask why he's called 38, so I didn't. Me thinks 38 might need to lose a few pounds or he might get a new name...

This morning, the donkeys took a break from Sheep Saving and had a little fun.

 I have never seen my donkeys doing this! It was awesome!

Since the growing season is just about over, I cleaned out much of what's left in the vegetable garden and took it all to the chickens. Boy, were they happy chicks!!! Mushy watermelons, canteloupe, tomatoes..... they were in Chicken Heaven.

Thank you, Mama!!!

My sweet little Boo came over to give me a personal thank you, complete with her floppy comb and bewildered look. Not only is she sweet, but she lays the most beautiful chocolate brown eggs!

My magnificent rooster, Butterscotch, made the rounds, watching his girls eating with joy. He's beautiful. And gentle. Two things I like best in a rooster.

Speaking of eating with joy, it's lunch time and I'm starving!


  1. Your farm animals are so lovely! I look forward to reading more about your sheep.

  2. I love to watch the donkeys play and rough house with each other. It definitely lets you know they are happy.

    Those coyotes are just awful...sorry they are a problem for you.


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