Sunday, March 20, 2011
Our New Website is Up!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
My lavender Silkies are growing up... slowly
Aren't they precious? I really hope one of the three is a boy! And a girl. I need at least one of each! Now to fast foward about 7 months and then I can start hatching eggs from these beauties!
Our last Spring Baby
Bashful finally had her baby last night. So that makes 3 kids and 3 lambs for the spring season. The lambs are growing so much! Hard to believe they are almost a month old!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Something to brighten my flu-ridden life
What a couple of weeks! My son had the flu all of last week. Then my husband got it. And now I have it. And my daughter. And now my husband has escaped to California on a week-long business trip leaving me with a stuffed nose, cough and a fever-ridden 6-yr old. sniff sniff
On the plus side, all three lambs are growing and thriving. And we woke up this morning to a beautiful sight.... two new baby goats! Dopey, bless her big pregnant self, finally had her twins. The poor thing hadn't been able to walk comfortably for weeks. I gave her as many pep talks as I could (which was difficult when I didn't have a voice for two days), but she just wasn't ready. This morning, I went out to the pasture to check on her and there they were! A fat little white kid and a little tan one trying desperately to figure out how to use its legs.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Our new lambs!
Introducing.... the new lambs!
I just love them! I even got to hold one today. They are just adorable and precious. So glad the coyotes have stayed away. Both of my goats spent the afternoon waddling around the pasture. Surely they will give birth anytime.
And just for laughs.... a picture of Toupee. Bless his little ram heart.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
At the end of our snowstorm in January came the time for our foster sheep to move onto greener pastures. I was kind of glad since feeding them was expensive and time-consuming! It took a lot of people and two extraordinary herding dogs to get the sheep into the trailer and it was fun to watch! We did it though!
We kept eight sheep: four rams and four ewes. And now have three babies. Yay!!
We had to catch Snowflake and put him on his trailer for the ride back to his house before letting the dogs loose. It took awhile but eventually we had him!
Dopey didn't really enjoy being penned up during all the action... as you can plainly see.
The dogs were doing a great job until.....
this happened. Uh oh. Escape!
Finally they are headed into the trailer with my handsome farmer now doing most of the herding.
And people call you a city boy. You're a farmer now, sweetie! Look at you go!
Eggs come in all sizes!
Two of the three dozen eggs I collected today. I'm not sure who laid this teeny, tiny egg (which is about the size of a grape), but I do appreciate the effort!
I just love my eggs! Thanks, Hens!